
Pink Security & More: A Junk Punk TTRPG

Created by Daniel Baker-Zakala

Explore the world after it ends! Join up with Pink Security & More the premier "odd jobs for hire" service of Dump City! Undertake deliveries to the wastes, participate in thrilling Junk-Races, fight local crime, and protect the citizens of Dump City.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Enamel Pins, Embroidered Patch, and Stickers are here!
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 12:23:15 PM

They’re here! Everyone who ordered a Physical book tier will get a sticker as a bonus! 

Update #13: We did it! All thanks to YOU. What now?
7 months ago – Sat, Mar 02, 2024 at 05:23:02 AM

Imagine my surprise to seeing an extra $430 in donations over night. Thank you all so much!

Now that funding is over, what next? Pink Security & More is mostly finished at this point and I will be revising the text and racing rules. I have my editor lined up, and will be doing a few more commissioned pieces for the project. 

The enamel pins and embroidered patches were ordered over the last week and the remaining pieces not claimed as rewards will be going to backerkit as add ons! 

Which brings me to backerkit, I’ll be sending out surveys in the next week with information on backerkit for fulfillment. So if you want to update your pledge, you can do it there! 

Stay tuned, I will likely update you here before surveys go out, and of course a link to the discord for when public playtesting begins! 

In the meantime, thank you

Amber & DJ 

Update #12 the final 24 hours!
7 months ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 07:07:54 AM

This is the final update before the end of the campaign, thank you all so much for making this dream come true! 

We are still crossing our fingers that we will hit our stretch goal of $4000 to include additional adventures and additional artwork for those adventures. Any money raised until the end will be used for further commissions supporting amazing artists!

Regardless, we are incredibly proud and happy with what we have accomplished with your help! This book is full of lore, locations, 30+ NPCs, battle race/junk racing mechanics, and more. It is far more than I had ever hoped for my first kickstarter project, and it’s an honor to get these books out to you.

The enamel pin and embroidered patch are both in limited quantities of 100, so get yours today! We will be using backerkit for surveys, add ons, and fulfillment so stay tuned! 

Thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts

Amber and DJ 

Update #11: Finalized Enamel Pin, Final Push, and Thank You!
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 09:18:23 AM

Hello everyone!

Thank you all so much for your support on this project. It means the absolute world to Amber and I. Pink Security & More was developed from a graphic novel/comic book Amber and I wrote after I lost my job a little over a year ago. The basis of that book, Polly Pink & The Apocalypse, is one of community and making a difference no matter how insignificant you think you are. On our own we may very well feel insignificant, but if we fight together for what we believe we find that we are not alone. 

All of your support has inspired me to keep writing Polly Pink & The Apocalypse, as well as diving further into Pink Security & More as a TTRPG setting. I hope that Polly Pink can inspire you in the same way. Not only to pursue what ever it is you want out of life, but also to be yourself, always and unapologetically. 

Amber & DJ

P.S. Here is the final Enamel Pin Design that you can get in the Deluxe Bundle with the embroidered Pink Security Employee patch. 

Update 10: Final week! A peak into Junk Race game mechanics
7 months ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 06:43:55 AM

Hello everyone! 

I wanted to dive into a bit of how the junk racing mechanics will work, and how you can drop them into your favorite system! 

The goal for players during a junk race is to finish the race as close to 1st place as they can. During the race they will have a set number of rounds to move up the pack while simultaneously defending themselves from enemy/rival NPC vehicles. Each round acts as a lap or distance marker so a GM can denote where exactly the players are on the track. This allows the GM to plan out different kinds of terrain, obstacles, and hazards throughout the race. 

The driver’s job is to over take racers ahead of them, and to defend against incoming attacks using evasive driving techniques. Every other player participant’s job is to support the driver and make one of the tasks the driver is doing easier. Whether that is defending, navigating difficult terrain, or attempting to get into 1st position. This is accomplished through a series of navigation, attack, and engineering tasks. 

Things are defined by the degree of success or failure, this allows GMs to easily adapt the system for their favorite ttrpg system. 

From Critical Failure, Failure, Mixed Success, Success, and Critical Success. For example, in 5e, Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Cypher System, a Mixed Success would be rolling a natural 1 but meeting the difficulty by other means, whether by lowering the difficulty, or meeting the difficulty through modifiers. I wanted to use this language because it is language that works for many TTRPGs. 

This is just a sneak peak, and a simplification of the mechanics, and we are beginning public playtesting soon!